Light ( In My Light Of Understanding )

We see the universe with light, but it has never been easy to understand it actually is. Its amazing how something we more than everytime we see, is something we know nothing about. What is Light ? Light is the Time of the Universe. I tried defining light, in context of time and universe. Time which we dont know about at all. The universe which hasnt been described so far. One of my friends suggested that the walls of the universe are moving away at the speed of light and thats why we dont see it. It means that everything the second hand of my watch ticks, the size of the universe increased by 3x10power8m. Lets trace back this then. Lets trace it to '0'. A mathematically defined null. But, there are also negatives. Lets trace it back to -infinity, -infinity+1, -infinity+2. So where is the beginning. Maybe we are still in the negatives and have not started to grow. So that must mean I have not begun yet and you havent begun yet. But the last time i checked I was 17 years old . So where do I give the 17 years of my godamn never existing life. I gave it to the time. Time, which was light, trying to increase the universe. which we are part of of. Light is not merely a beam of light. If is you and me, we. Everyone is Light. We are trying to give meaning to light, universe and time. But we as light, help time to form the universe.


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