If Buying the IPHONE wasnt it, THIS IS.

⊆ Wednesday, August 06, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 2 comments »


Why Friendship Day has become Boring for Me

⊆ Sunday, August 03, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

First Sunday of this August Month, is supposed to be one of those Golden Days for Friends called Friendship Day.It is about Friends getting together, Friendship Bands, And Gifts maybe.

It is now boring for me because everywhere I could think of going with friends is saturated with 100 people there before me when it has the place for about only 50. That isnt charming.

For me, Friendship Day means 'Make New Friends'. But with no prospects of that either, It is a terribly dry day.

I have lots of friends already and I have plans too for today. I just have to see, if i really come out
*having fun* @ the end.




⊆ Friday, August 01, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

First Day of my New College started, well, early than it was to start (For me atleast). I reached at 9 for the Fresher's Function which was to begin at 11. With a little looking around, I started finding people who are going to be my batch-mates for the next 4 years and it looked exciting.

The Orientation Programme had us go all around DCE (which gave me a massive leg-ache) and a pre-view to where we are going to spend most of our time, the next 4 years (deciding between canteen, library, computer centre and sports complex).

Although the day ended early at 2.It was quite a beginning at the Delhi College of Engineering. Hope the rollercoaster has a great high.




⊆ Sunday, July 27, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

The Snuz-Luz takes care that you Wake up in The Morning and at the Right Time too.

SnūzNLūz - Wifi Donation Alarm Clock
If you dont wake up with the Clock in the morning, your money is deposited to an Organisation that you hate most through the Wifi On the Clock
Hah! Suckers.Are You Game for Alarm Clocks Now.




Joomla to Wordpress.

⊆ Friday, July 25, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

Today, was my first attempt at creating a content based website.I was trying to put up a blog on the internet (which i have succesfully been able to do here).

I used a Free Hosting Service called 100webspaces.com. I am not very happy with the results.It Puts a Very Ugly Ad right on the top of the page.My quest for finding the perfect free host began from Zymic which due to FTP Issues i could get through too.

100webspaces.com can automatically install Joomla. So that wasnt a problem.After Joomla Being Installed, I went onto to its nice Interface which is easy to use once you look around a bit.

After spending 45 minutes with Joomla, I realised that this wasnt a great solution for Bloggers, i tried downloading the Wordpress Integration Module for Joomla (joomlify.com) again which was down through-out the day today.It made my Work more tedious.

Finally,After looking around I decided to go for Wordpress.100webspaces automatically installs Wordpress too.Using a few plugins and a nice little theme i found here.I finally had the blog up and running.

Note:100webspaces has this issue while posting on Wordpress.Whenever it auto-saves a post, the 100webspaces banner appears due to a reason i Couldn't understand.This makes the post unpublishable.I had to use a disable Auto-Save plugin for Wordpress which i found here.

My First Attempt at a Hosting Service was fruitful in the end.I like what i see(except the really ugly ad at the top)


⊆ Friday, June 20, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

WTF ??

I googled TAXES in GOOGLE and the first result i Get is a Wikipedia Entry that describes Taxes with the word "BhenChod".I googled for the Word "BhenChod" and it doesnt turn out to be anything from the English Language.Now for all the Indians out there,you know what Bhenchod is.Hehe..Go Wikipedia + Google (Keep the Content Filtered)

"bhenchod" on the urban dictionary

⊆ Wednesday, June 18, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

Some Reason to Cheer

So after the long and hard past few months (see below,GodLess Summer).I finally am eligible for a college called the Delhi College of Engineering.Id like to give sincere thanks to Shirali Di(My Sister),Pranita(For being there whenever I Felt Bad Due to my Marks),Neerat (For all the Motivational Talk),My Friend Shiv (For ...Ughh..Football).Thanks Alot Guys.Couldnt have got out of my State without your help.

⊆ Thursday, June 12, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

How Long Can You Survive In Vacuum ?

My Results :

Congrats! You could survive for 1 minute 17 seconds !

In the first 30 seconds any fluid on the surface of your body would begin to boil due to lack of ambient pressure, this includes the saliva on your tongue and the moisture in your eyes. Your eardrums would most likely burst due to the pressure in your body trying to equalize with the vacuum outside. Unlike what some science fiction films have suggested, your body would not explode.

After the first 15 seconds you would lose consciousness. If you held your breath you could potentially stay alive longer but you risk pulmonary trauma. If you didn't hold your breath you'd pass out sooner, but your lungs might have a better chance of avoiding permanent damage.

The pressure in your veins would rise until your heart no longer had the capacity to pump blood, at which point you'd die.


⊆ Thursday, June 12, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

WHAT IS RickRoll?

An elaborate Internet Prank of the bait and switch type.The prank involves clicking a link which is stated for other purposes and your directed to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" Video on Youtube.The XKCD COMIC for the same. 

⊆ Wednesday, June 11, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

Music Playlist of the Week

  • Black Sabbath - Am I Going Insane
  • Black Sabbath - War Pigs
  • Black Sabbath - Never Say Die
  • The Doors - Riders of The Storm
  • The Doors - L.A. Woman
Tuned into classic rock quite alot.Especially Black Sabbath (THE FIRST METAL BAND EVER).Period.

⊆ Wednesday, June 11, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »


Read about this on the Internet.A Research that says the ideal amount of Sleep, A person sleeping between 6.5 - 7.5 hours per day live the longest.Anything more than 8 and less than 6 have a shorter span of life.

More About This

⊆ Wednesday, June 11, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »


One of the most Scary RansomWare Viruses I have read about recently.Its called GPCode-Ask.The problem with the virus is that it has 1024 bit encryption key that it encrypts the fiels with known only to the Virus-Maker.Such a key would require about 15 million modern age computers to be cracked in the right amount of time.The Virus currently is mostly in Russia And Eastern-Europe but you never know when it might end up here on your Computer.Keep your firewalls ready and watch out for any files you dont need on your Emails or anywhere on the Internet.

The Error Message

Your files are encrypted with RSA-1024 algorithm. To recovery your files you need to buy our decryptor. To buy decrypting tool contact us at: ******@yahoo.com

Ill try to explain it simple.When you put in your password somewhere as "udit", the server (in this case) has a pre-defined algorithm that encrypts the words "udit" into alphanumeric strings "10001 1001 01110".That is how your password or any sensitive data is stored in the server or whereever you use it for security purposes, for if it gets stolen, people cant identify it.The key needs to be decrypted(thats why its tough to hack yahoo or msn or google too).

From Viruslist.com:

However, although we detect the virus itself, we can't currently decrypt files encrypted by Gpcode.ak -- the RSA encryption implemented in the malware uses a very strong, 1,024-bit key.

The RSA encryption algorithm uses two keys: a public key and a private key. Messages can be encrypted using the public key, but can only be decrypted using the private key. And this is how Gpcode works: it encrypts files on victim machines using the public key that is coded into its body. Once encrypted, files can only be decrypted by someone who has the private key -- in this case, the author or the owner of the malicious program.

The most common method to decipher is Brute-Force Decryption.Using a computer to exhaustively calculate and try every possible key one by one. 2-bit encryption, for example, involves four possible key values:
00, 01, 10, and 11

3-bit encryption involves eight possible values, 4-bit encryption 16 possible values, and so on. Mathematically speaking, 2n possible values exist for an n-bit key.

Now to crack a 1024 Bit Key,it would require around 2(power)1024 attempts which could well be infinity and would require centuries to crack on a normal computer.

More About GPCODE

⊆ Thursday, June 05, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Thursday, June 05, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Thursday, June 05, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »


  • Marcy's Playground - Sex And Candy
  • Marcy's Playground - Coming up From Behind
  • Better Than Ezra - A Lifetime
  • Marcy's Playground - Ancient Walls of Flowers
  • K Mohan - Lamha Ye Jaega Kahan

Marcy's Playground is a band from the Grunge genre.So If you are a Grunge Fan,you shouldnt be missing this.


photo source : Patrick Moen

⊆ Wednesday, June 04, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »


Second in JEE, Capital student faces AIEEE setback

NITISH Shrivastav may have come second in the IIT-Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) yesterday but today, when the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) results were announced, he found he had failed to make it even to the top 60.

Nitish secured 65th rank in the exam conducted for admissions to B.E./ B.Tech. and B. Arch/ B. Planning courses in 20 National Institutes of Technology (NITs), three International Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), some self-financed deemed universities and central government-funded institutions.

Not making it to the AIEEE top 50 has disappointed Nitish, 17, who said: I feel let down by this rank when I compare it to the rank I got in the JEE, says Nitish, 17. Even so, he admits: I totally neglected the AIEEE. The JEE was my main focus throughout. Though I am disappointed, I am not surprised that I did not do well. I was not expecting to do well.

Source:Some News Site.

⊆ Wednesday, June 04, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

God-Less Summer

Always plan on God to help you through the tough times.But this summer,life has brought me to a stage where I wonder about the phrase "God's Grace" which doesnt have the G in it for me.I have been battered,bruised,kicked,slapped and reduced to a rubble of epic proportions.

After the initial shock in the VITEEE exam, my train never recovered from its crash.Throwing my parts out portion by portion in the high velocity wind that was going right against me,(my legs and hands,and other parts to say)throwing them to the middle earth.Enough Symbolism.IIT's Gone.AIEEE's Gone.BITSAT Gone.And Theres no saying Where Am I Gonna Go From Here?

Life reaffirming, "ITS TOUGH"

⊆ Tuesday, June 03, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »


A new interface for the old blog.I am not sure if it looks good.Ill keep trying more for a few days now.

⊆ Wednesday, May 21, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 6 comments »


I was talking to one of my Friends Alisha Kalra (SKV) about Scindia Boys.And This Is How There Group likes To Describe "BOYS" From Scindia Fort.Pay Due Attention.

"chubby face double chin..round
middle body fat asses pants which look like will fall the minute they move a
muscle..spikes not done properly and on top of that pretending to be the most
good looking guys on earth..
also drool over the ugliest lookin gurl who passes
by and a constant hard on throught out the time they are there.."

Now Guys from Scindia.Think hard When you read this and ponder over where you have gone wrong.Because the Girl You Might Be Looking At On Your Next Visit to SKV thinks your a Dumb Asshole (Dont We All..HEHE)


⊆ Friday, April 25, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Wednesday, April 23, 2008 by Aniruddha | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Tuesday, April 22, 2008 by Aniruddha | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Tuesday, April 22, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Tuesday, April 22, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

⊆ Monday, April 21, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 0 comments »

The Coca Cola Pesticidal Gig that happened sometime ago.
Also,my first Cartoon Strip.

⊆ Monday, April 21, 2008 by Udit Agarwal | ˜ 1 comments »


Checked out 'Its A Wonderful Life', the 1946 Classic last night. It was a movie full of hope and humanity.Humanity should be made to sit and watch that movie for all the goodness it possesses. But this is not a Movie Review.There was this line in the movie,"An Angel gets his/her wings everytime a bell is rung". Now considering the number of times The Yahoo "BUZZ" is hit in a day throughout the world, thats more wings than there would ever be angels, Surely, God didnt plan for the internet in 1946.